About Us
Meet our School Administrator

Dr. Karen Bare-Oldham
Hello, I am Dr. Karen Oldham and I have been a high school principal and educator for 30+ years. I hold certifications in the following areas: Superintendent, Principal, Assistant Principal, Vocational Administrator, Curriculum Director, Learning Disabilities, Mentally Impaired, Behavioral Disorders, English, Social Studies, Math thru Algebra I, and Multi-Categorical/Multi-Subject K-8. I have a Doctorate Degree from West Virginia University in Educational Leadership with a Minor in Special Education and a Master’s Degree in Special Education from Marshall University. I also hold teaching endorsements in South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia. I have been named Principal and Teacher of the Year. I am an active member of the South Carolina Association of School Administrators (SCASA), Completer of the SC State PIP Program, Read to Succeed, Adept 4.0 and State Mentor. She has been recognized with commendations from OEPA, Solution Tree (PLC) and as an instructional director for a model alternative program by SCDE. I am the Director for Alternative Programs here in Kershaw County. I moved to SC in 2020 to be closer to my son who lives in Aiken SC and works as a Nuclear Engineer at Savannah River Site and my daughter who is a senior at the University of Kentucky in Materials Science and Aerospace Engineering and is a summer engineering intern on the Space Coast for Extant Aerospace. I am married to my husband of 30+ years and I live in Elgin, SC. I love to travel, spend time at the beach, and boutique and vintage shop. I am all about my family, God, and the beach. I also enjoy traveling and spending time with my 2 favorite puppies, Charlie Jane (Aussie -Doodle) and Oakley (Morkie). I truly love education and making a positive impact on each and every child. I have served on a plethora of local, state, and national educational cadres. I am a positive, strong, instructional leader and I am very excited for this next chapter in my life. My best advice is: Always be the best version of YOU!
Degrees and Certifications:
West Virginia University - Bachelors
Marshall University - Masters
West Virginia University - Doctorate
Teacher of the Year
Principal of the Year
Multi-Subject K-8
English 5-12
Social Studies 5-12
Math thru Algebra 1 5-12
Asst. Principal K-Adult
Principal K-Adult
Asst. Superintendent K-Adult
Superintendent K-Adult
Special Education Mentally Impaired PK-Adult
Special Education Learning Disabilities PK-Adult
Special Education Behavior Disorders PK-Adult
Curriculum Supervisor K-Adult
Vocational Administrator K-Adult
Certified 4.0 Teacher Evaluator

Dr. Chandra Richardson
My name is Dr. Chandra Olivia Richardson. I consider it an honor and privilege to work among such a fine group of teachers, staff, parents, and leadership teams.
As a native of Lugoff, South Carolina, my early years of education were in the great halls of Lugoff Elementary, Lugoff- Elgin Middle, and Lugoff-Elgin High. In my primary year, I taught at Lugoff Elementary, Lugoff Elgin Middle School, and Stover Middle School for more than 20 years of experience. My educational development is from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, my Masters in Education in Divergent Learners from Francis Marion University, my Education Leadership Degree, and a Doctor of Education from South Carolina State University.
“It is a great day to Be Great, and You Were… Born for Greatness!”
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Master of Education in Remediation
Gifted and Talented
Education Specialist
Doctorate of Education
Read to Succeed Certification
AP Foundations: Silver Strand